Dear colleague, we would like to announce a Workshop on Bonding and Die Attach Technologies, held at CERN on June 11-12, 2003. (workshop webpage: ) Please forward this mail to other interested colleagues. We are sorry if you receive this email more than once. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact: Christian Joram (CERN / EP), email
The mass production of the silicon
tracker modules for the LHC detectors is about to start. CERN and its
numerous collaborating institutes have geared up to cope with a real
challenge: the combination of an unprecedented production volume, a high
technical complexity, global logistics, tight schedules and limited
resources. In the same spirit we are now organizing a workshop with the topic
Scope The scope of this workshop spans
The workshop will review the bonding techniques, currently applied to detector construction, and try to estimate their technological prospects. The participation of companies, being involved in the fabrication of PCBs, hybrids, pitch adapters or wire and bump bonds is highly welcome. An equally important goal is to provide a platform for exchanging knowledge and practical experience between the various institutes and detector collaborations. The active participation of technicians and bond operators is considered as particularly valuable. When and Where ? The workshop will be held
The date has been chosen because it is linked to a CMS general week (2-6 June) and ATLAS SCT/ PIXEL weeks (13-19 and 16-21 June) Presentations We foresee three different types of presentations
Extended coffee breaks will provide time for discussions between technicians on practical problems & solutions and allow companies to establish contacts to customers. Proceedings We do not intend to publish any written proceedings or papers. The speakers are kindly asked to provide electronic versions (pdf) of their transparencies, which will be made available on the workshop webpage. Registration & Dinner & Accommodation Attendance of the workshop is free of charge (except of dinner). Please use the electronic registration form on this website. Coffee and croissants will be served. The workshop dinner will be organized on Wednesday evening (11 June). The fee of 60 CHF includes bus transport between CERN and the restaurant. The CERN-Hostel has a limited number of rooms, therefore we recommend early reservation.
Looking forward
to meeting you at CERN,