Recent measurements with the Pad HPD

Pulse height spectrum

Linearity of the signal vs high voltage

Imaging properties of the HPD .

Point spread function 

Tyupical quantum efficiency of bialkali photocathode

Random noise versus high voltage

Pulse height spectrum taken with an HPD equipped with a CsI photocathode wpe7.gif (8384 bytes)
Linearity of the signal vs high voltage taken withan HPD equipped with a CsI photocathode wpe8.gif (5669 bytes)
Imaging properties of the HPD The plot shows the relation between the coordinate on the photoceathode and the coordinate on the silicon sensor. The slope of the curve determines the demagnification
Point spread function The plot shows the charge distribution on the silicon sensor for an illumination with a point like light source.


Pointspread.jpg (24261 bytes)
Tyupical quantum efficiency of a bialkali photocathodes in standard HPD envelopes (PC68 = envelope 1st generation, PC87 = envelope 2md generation) QE_pc68.bmp (138070 bytes)

QE_pc87.bmp (1089270 bytes)

Random noise versus high voltage (PC80, 2nd generation envelope) random_noise.jpg (35032 bytes)

Last updated by CJ: 25/04/01