Electron optical characteristics of HPD 84, 85, 86 and 87


PC84 scan over sector 5 and 12

PC84 scan over sector 6 and 14

PC85 scan over sector 2 and 10

PC85 scan over sector 3 and 11

PC85 scan over sector 4 and 12

PC86 scan over sector 7 and 15

PC86 scan over sector 1 and 9

PC87 scan over sector 4 and 12

PC87 scan over sector 5 and 13

HPD Sector map ("hardware numbering").hpd_sector_map.gif (5535 bytes)

Measurements: J. Séguinot; Plots: C. Hansen; 


Quantum efficiency of HPD 84, 85, 86 and 87  (preliminary !)

PC84  (table 200 - 600 nm)

PC85  (table 200 - 600 nm)

PC86  (table 200 - 600 nm)

PC87  (table 200 - 600 nm)

Plot of PC84 - 87

Webpage:  C. Joram
