The HPD team at CERN

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From left to right: Enrico Chesi, Peter Weilhammer, André Braem, Jacques Séguinot, Christian Joram

Andre Braem Enrico Chesi Christian Joram
Jacques Seguinot Peter Weilhamer Tom Ypsilantis (died 22 Aug 2000)


In the X-HPD project we collaborate with

- Paola Solevi, ETH Zürich, specialized in Geant4 simulations

- Photonis SAS, Brive (France): Anne-Gaelle Dehaine, Pascal Lavoute, Leo Pierre, Christophe Fontaine and Bruno Combettes.


We also profit a lot from the help of the following people, which support (or have supported) the project with various contributions

Mario Alemi

Electron optical simulations (MAFIA)
W. Dulinski Silicon sensor design
Daniel Ferenc Electron optical simulations (SIMION)
Frank Filthaut worked in the project as fellow (1998-1999)
Apollo Go worked in the project as fellow (1998-1999), Labview
Pär Hammarstedt technical student (2000/2001), QE measurements
Dietrich Liko DAQ software (testbeam)
Gabriel Lion Chemical problems
Niko Neufeld DAQ oftware (testbeam)
Daniel Voillat Mechanical Design photosensor plane
Hank Wenzel Phototube consulting
Pierre Wicht Mechanical Design of evaporation plant

Last updated by CJ: 01/07/08