Since 2005 the seminars are continued on a group level: Take a look here.
Date, Time, Place |
Speaker, Affiliation | Title |
Seminars and Scientific Tea Meetings in 2004 |
Friday, 14 January 15:30 |
Albrecht, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (HUG): |
Clinical Application and Limitations of PET for Imaging in
Daily Routine
Seminars in 2004 |
Friday, 26 November 16:00 |
Christian Joram | 'Development of Hybrid Photon Detectors for a Novel Deep Sea Neutrino Experiment --RICH2004 talk |
Friday, 12 November 15:30 |
Thomas Meinschad | 'A GEM photo detector' |
Friday, 29 October 15:30 |
Jacques Seguinot | 3D Axial PET with HPD readout |
Friday, 1 October 15:30 | Jacques Seguinot | Introduction to Positron Emission Tomography (PET) (pdf) |
Friday, 9 September 2004, 15:00 |
PH - TA1 - SD Summer Students : Project Presentations |
Katharina Kaska Vienna University of Technology |
Radiation Damage in Silicon (pdf) | |
Kim Temming University of Muenster |
Radiation monitoring with commercial p-i-n diodes (ppt) | |
Lorenzo Masetti | Fluence calculation by activation of aluminum foils | |
Friday, 3 September 2004 |
Friday, 9 July 2004 |
Fabio Sauli | The Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) - what makes it so attractive ? |
Friday, 2 July 2004 |
PH-TA1-SD section | Preparation of a set of posters for the visit of a delegation from Nikhef and the University of Twente. The posters are here |
Friday, 11 June 2004 |
Moll (CERN, PH-TA1-SD) |
- Some very basic remarks - (pdf) |
Friday, 28 May 2004, 15:30 |
Alison Bates | Czochralski Silicon - a radiation hard material? |
Seminars in 2003 |
Wedneday, 25 June 2003, 16:00 |
Akhil Jingan, Nuclear Science Centre, New Dehli, and CERN | "Detector Developments at the NSC New Dehli" |
Monday 20 Jan 2003 14:00 13/2-005 |
Han Gardeniers / Micronit Microfluidics BV |
Silicon Microchannel
Cooling |
Seminars in 2002 |
Wednesday 20 Nov 2002 16:00 593/R-10 |
Roland Horisberger / PSI, Villigen, CH | Bump Bonding R&D at PSI |
Wednesday 25 Sept 2002 9:30 28/S-29 |
Rutherford Craig (EP-TA1-SD)
Veronique Boisvert (EP-TA1-SD) |
Annealing Studies on irradiated FZ,
DOFZ and CZ silicon sensors" pdf
"Silicon containing Oxygen Dimers - A radiation hard sensor material?" pdf(Abstracts) |
Wednesday |
Christian Hansen, EP/ATT | Limitations in the use of RICH counters to detect tau-neutrino appearance |
Tuesday |
Rawi Eggert, EP/TA1 | Upgraded Control and Monitoring Software of the EP Irradiation Facility |
Seminars in 2001 |
Wednesday 11.July.2001, 16:00 13/3-005 |
Steffen Grohmann, ST/CV Blanca Perea Solano, EP/HC |
Development of cryogenic silicon
detectors for the TOTEM Roman pots (Transparencies pdf - 6.3 MB) Thermal simulations of TOTEM modules (Transparencies pdf - 0.6 MB)
Wednesday 16.May.2001, 16:00 593/R-10 |
Bernhard Ketzer, EP/TA1 | GEM Detectors for COMPAS (Transparencies pdf - 6 MB) |
Wednesday 4.Apr.2001, 16:00, 593/R-10 | Christian Joram EP/TA1, Alan Honma EP/CMT |
The status of the Divisional
Silicon Facility (Transparencies pdf - 0.4 MB) Introduction to wire bonding and the bond lab (Transparencies pdf - 0.94 MB) |
Wednesday, 7.Mar.2001 16:00 - 17-1-007 |
Luca Casagrande CERN-EP-N50 / RD39, NA60 |
"Cryogenic silicon
detectors" (Transparencies pdf - 1.6 MB) |
Wednesday, 7.Mar.2001 15:00 - 17-1-007 |
Elena Verbitskaya Ioffe Institute, St.Petersburg / RD39,RD48 (organized by RD39) |
"Transformation of electric field distribution in heavily irradiated silicon detectors under reverse annealing" |
Wednesday, 14.Feb.2001 16:00 - 13-3-005 |
Michael Moll CERN - EP - TA1- SD / RD48 |
"Radiation Damage in Silicon Detectors - an introduction for non specialists" (Transparencies pdf - 1.2 MB) |
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