Hybrid Photon Detector (HPD) 
Developments at CERN

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The development of HPDs started with the 5-inch Pad HPD, originally in the framework of the LHCb RICH project. All our HPD are to a large extent fabricated in our facilities at CERN.

The C2GT initiative, a study of an accelerator driven underwater neutrino experiment, motivated the development of the X-HPD, a novel very large area photodetector. This work was pursued together with our industrial partner Photonis SAS.

The concept of a 3D axial PET camera, originally based on HPDs, was developed further and led to the formation of the AX-PET collaboration. The development of special ceramic HPDs for applications in medical imaging is no longer pursued. 

For further information, please contact Christian Joram ( Christian.Joram@cern.ch, Tel +41 22 76 78909)

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What is a HPD?


How we fabricate  HPDs

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Literature about our HPD developments

The HPD team

Earlier developments... (partly obsolete)

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The design of the Pad HPD

HPDs for medical applications, e.g. PET

The 10-inch adventure

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Test beam page


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B-field measurements

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Some recent measurements


Our industrial partners 

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Related links

Last updated by CJ: 17/04/10